Holaluz ranks number one in ESG world ranking for electricity companies

The Sustainalytics’ ESG world ranking recognises Holaluz’s leadership in the energy transition.

«We connect people to green energy» states the mosaic at Holaluz HQ’s cafeteria. This is more than a Holaluz motto, it’s the mission and raison d’être at Holaluz. Our aim is to keep shaping a greener and more sustainable future. And this task has been awarded.

We are glad to announce that we’ve ranked number one in Sustainalytics’ ESG World Ranking for Electricity Companies. We couldn’t be more proud! :)

What are ESG ratings?

The ESG Risk Rating, performed by Sustainalytics, is one of the main references in the capital market and takes into consideration a company’s impact on society and the environment. It measures, firstly, the risks that affect the company due to its nature (sector, activity, public exposure, etc.) and, secondly, the risks derived from its management (transparency, criteria regarding governance, equality policies, etc.). This involves the analysis of more than 450 data that result in a level of risk that investors around the world take as a variable to invest or not in a company.

After analysing 189 companies from all over the world, Holaluz is at a low risk level in ESG.

How does Holaluz rank at ESG?

Holaluz was placed amongst the top 2% of companies in the Sustainalytics universe (which collates the performance of 13,028 companies) and number two in the utilities category (which compares 486 companies). In addition, as above-mentioned, it includes Holaluz in the «low risk» category with a score of 12 («low risk» is considered to be between 20 and 10).

“It is an achievement for Holaluz to be certified as low risk and be ranked top of the ESG’s Risk Rating. It is a reaffirmation that we are true to purpose in all areas of our business. This is a milestone which, together with the positive financial results for the first quarter of this year, which saw a 22,8% increase in turnover, makes Holaluz an unbeatable proposition for investors seeking responsible and sustainable investments and wanting to help towards making the future 100 per cent green,” said Carlota Pi, co-founder and executive president at Holaluz.

Our further steps towards a 100% green energy future

This ranking reconfirms Holaluz’s leadership position in the energy transition. We were born based on the conviction that companies should be tools to change the world. Almost ten years later and still true to our purpose, Holaluz is leading the transformation of the Spanish energy sector thanks to our value proposition based on three pillars: 100% green energy, customer centered decision making, and customer savings thanks to the intensive use of technology.

And we’ll keep taking further steps towards our goal, committed to the new model of distributed generation, which stands out in terms of product and service innovation.

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Súmate a la Revolución de los Tejados

Te invitamos a disfrutar con nosotros de luz 100% verde y responsable, procedente de productores renovables y de los tejados de otros clientes. Súmate a la Revolución, juntos cambiaremos el modelo energético actual por uno más justo y sostenible.

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